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Fear of Rejection Is Costing You Sales—Here’s How I Overcome It

Feb 25, 2025

 Rejection is one of the biggest fears we face as humans. We’re wired to avoid it at all costs. And in sales, that fear can be paralysing.

But here’s the reality: sales is a rejection-dense profession. It’s why top performers get paid well—because we have the emotional control to push through rejection and keep asking.

The problem? Too many salespeople let the fear of hearing “no” hold them back. I use to hesitate to ask for the meeting, the next step, or the close. I would wait, hope, and wish my prospect would take action instead.

  1.  Ditch the Wishbone—Grow a Backbone
    If I don’t ask, I don’t get. Simple as that. The biggest thing holding me back from more sales isn’t the competition, the economy, or even my product—it’s my own hesitation.
  2.  The Hardest Part of Asking: Learning to Shut Up
    The moment after I ask is critical. Too often, salespeople fill the silence with nervous chatter, accidentally talking themselves out of a deal. Instead I make silence my secret weapon. I ask confidently, then I pause. I let my prospect think. I let the conversation unfold.
  3.  Objections Are Not Rejection
    Sales reps often mistake objections for rejection, but they’re actually signs that a deal is still alive. Objections mean my prospect is engaged—they’re sorting through concerns, weighing risks, and working through the decision. Instead of fearing objections, I embrace them. That’s where great salespeople win.

Want to Close More Deals? Start Facing Rejection Head-On.
Rainmakers don’t run from rejection—they go through, over, or around it. I often ask boldly, embrace objections, and I never let fear dictate my actions.

If you’re ready to level up your closing and negotiation skills, check out my other videos and documented processes.

And remember: asking is the beginning of receiving. Are you asking enough?


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