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Are You Holding on to Dead Deals? It’s Time to Let Go.

Mar 11, 2025

Every sales pipeline has them—deals that linger for weeks (or months) without progress. You’ve followed up, sent resources, and tried every angle, but they just won’t commit.

At some point, you have to ask yourself: Is this deal still real, or am I just keeping it warm out of hope?

Here’s the truth: Unstuck deals rarely close. The best move? Force a decision—either move forward or move on.

Here are two ways to do it:

1️. The Break-Up Email:

Subject: Should I Close Your File?

"Hi [First Name],

I’ve reached out a few times, but I haven’t heard back—I totally get that things get busy. I don’t want to keep following up if this isn’t a priority right now.

If you’re still interested in [solving their problem], let’s set up a quick call. If now isn’t the right time, no problem—just let me know, and I’ll close your file for now.

Either way, I appreciate the time we’ve spent discussing this and would love to reconnect when the timing is better.

Let me know how you’d like to proceed.

  1. The Break-Up Call Script:

You: "Hey [Name], it’s [Your Name] from [Your Company]. Have I caught you at a good time for a quick chat?"

(If yes, proceed.)

You: "We’ve had some great conversations, but I haven’t heard back recently. I wanted to check in one last time—should I go ahead and close your file, or is this still a priority?"

If they’re interested → Lock in the next step.
If they’re not → Thank them, ask what’s changed, and move on.
If they’re unsure → Set a clear follow-up timeframe.

Why this works:
It’s direct, but not pushy.
It forces them to make a decision.
It helps you focus on real opportunities instead of dead weight.

Sales isn’t about chasing—it’s about closing. If a prospect isn’t engaging, don’t be afraid to cut the cord and reinvest your time where it counts.

What’s your go-to move when a deal drags on too long? Drop your best ‘break-up’ line in the comments! 👇

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