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February Check-in: Are You Still on Track?

Feb 11, 2025

 It’s the second Tuesday of the second month of the year—a perfect time for a check-in on your goals.

Just over a month ago, we entered 2025 with big goals, fresh motivation, and a commitment to making this our best year yet. But now that the dust has settled, let’s be honest—are we still on track?

  1. Have you checked your progress against your New Year goals?
  2. Have you evaluated your first month’s sales performance?
  3. Have you made the necessary adjustments to stay on course?

It’s Easy to Slip Off Track

Discipline is all about sacrificing what you want now for what you want most. But as January fades and the reality of daily routines kicks in, it’s easy to let habits slip.

Maybe you started the year determined to fill your pipeline daily, but suddenly, you realise it’s been days since you picked up the phone or engaged new prospects. The small slips add up quickly.

I’ll admit, it happened to me this past week—a busy travel month, back-to-back meetings, and long days. Toward the end of the week, I made excuses, skipped workouts, and let my discipline slide. But here’s the thing: the longer we stay off track, the harder it is to correct course.

Now Is the Time to Recommit.

Take a moment today to revisit your goals.

  • What did you commit to in January?
  • Why did those goals matter to you?
  • What adjustments do you need to make to stay on track?

Assess Your Sales Performance.

Look back at your first month—where do you stand?

  • Smashed It? Great job! But don’t get complacent—momentum is your best friend.
  • Passed? Reflect on what held you back and make the necessary tweaks.
  • Struggled? Time to take action now. Break down what went wrong and fix it.

No matter where you stand, February is a fresh opportunity. The best salespeople aren’t perfect—but they do recommit, refocus, and refuse to settle.

So say it out loud: "I’m going to be better in February than I was in January."

Let’s go! 

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